Contours of non-dimensional pressure, velocity are demonstrated from -100 to 200 angles of attack. Validation of surface pressure coefficients for all three profiles using panel method at 40 angles of attack was done. The results demonstrated that till 80angle of attack higher lift coefficient and lower drag coefficient are obtainable for corrugated profiles compared to NACA 0010. A good agreement between experimental and panel methods were found for low angles of attack. Reynolds numbers 1.9x104 and 1.5x105 and for angles of attack between 00 to 160 The panel method results have been validated using current and existing experiment data as well as with computational work from cited literature. Coefficient of lift, drag and glide ratio for all profiles were evaluated at two. In the present work, aerodynamic analysis of bio inspired profiles corrugated A, corrugated B and NACA 0010 were studied using 2-D panel method and wind tunnel experimentation. Wings of a dragon fly found in nature possess corrugations on its surface and known to exhibit efficient aerodynamic characteristics. During this work we have a tendency to calculate and observe the comparison of k-ε turbulence model along with experimental results. In present research work performance of aerodynamics of an airfoil are plot against Angle of attack and how the results area unit getting ready to the experimental results. The coefficients of drag and lift for all the airfoil is determined by seeing the surface pressure on different airfoil. The salient feature of present work study is to knows about their behavior of fluid flow located on each and every sides of an airfoil and calculate the characteristics of aerodynamic performances at very high Reynolds Number (3 million) and angle of attacks varies from 2° to 18°. In present study about NACA4412, NACA0012 and JOUKOWSKI (t = 12%) airfoil, at different Angle of attack and velocity of flow is 43.822 m/s in CFD. In present scenario airfoil design is observe arbitrary for the flows of an aircrafts and a very early time in history Orville and Wilbur brothers made and design camber or asymmetrical airfoil and In before days NACA define a proper way to describe the definition of an airfoil and tells about their characteristics or how airfoil efficient. Aerodynamically characteristic of an airfoil is construct on the design yet still its desire performance of an airfoil is ground on design yet its result is not simple in present days. In aerodynamics, the role of an airfoil is vastly dominant to generate the adequate lift to transport the aircraft.