Purrfect apawcalypse love at furst bite
Purrfect apawcalypse love at furst bite

purrfect apawcalypse love at furst bite

  • Sympathy for the Devil: Pities Patches in the second game, while he's trying to kill Olive and all their friends, and insists that he's actually a good boy.
  • In the first game, it's easy to mistake it as due to fear, but in one possible scene where Brownie lampshades it as such, Olive admits that they've just always stuttered, and the ending of the second game and entirety of the third confirm that it really is just how they talk, even when there's nothing to be afraid of.
  • Speech Impediment: Olive has a reasonably pronounced stutter.
  • Save the Villain: Olive asks Angel not to kill Patches near the end of the first game, and they also promise to save Patches from Purgatory near the end of the second.
  • The cheerful and nonthreatening Olive was born on October 31, Halloween.
  • Significant Birth Date: Of the ironic sort.
  • Pungeon Master: Makes a lot of animal-themed puns, usually when nervous.
  • If you try to leave the school, Patches will remember Olive's earlier request for him to not leave and stay put.
  • Morality Chain: Is this to Patches in the third game.
  • Innocently Insensitive: Most of the "bad" dialogue options and choices in the second game are this, like eating raw, bloody meat in front of Sparky, pitying Patches after Angel tells them why Patches is after them, or asking Patches if Angel broke his heart.
  • It pays off in the ending where he makes a Heel≯ace Turn.
  • Horrible Judge of Character: Continually trusts and insists that Patches is a "good boy", no matter how many times Patches tries to kill them or their friends.
  • Friendless Background: Some of Olive's dialogue implies that they had no friends before the start of the first game.
  • Death Seeker: Comes to terms with their own demise and, ready to die, tries to find someone to spend their final moments with.
  • Sure, Patches manages to kill Olive anyway, but still.
  • Heck, in the first game if you go to the library with Sparky alone and attempt to help in the ensuing fight, they will grab Patches' knife and do some fatal damage.
  • Olive's punches are a soft as pillows, but it's the thought that counts!
  • Beware the Nice Ones: While Olive doesn't like violence and can't bring themself to hate anyone, they are willing to fight back if it means their life, or their friend's lives.
  • purrfect apawcalypse love at furst bite

    Art Shift: Their eyes are noticeably larger in the first game compared to the next two.All-Loving Hero: Olive is an indefatigably upbeat and idealistic individual who's always ready to give others a second chance, even if they have a long history of trying to kill them.Absurd Phobia: Is scared the sound of a flushing toilet, because they're too loud.A Birthday, Not a Break: The second game's Zombie Apocalypse strikes right as Olive is about to celebrate their birthday.After coming to terms with their own demise, they head out into the blood-soaked Hachiko High School to find a special someone they can spend the rest of their short life with, so they can turn it into the perfect apocalypse. A friendly but nervous Mutt who hid in the closet to avoid being killed. But eventually, ya know, after the whole Demon God situation has been resolved, he started to warm up to them.The Player Character of the first two games. He can sense that something is off about those two. Though he tends to stay a bit far away from both Patches and Angel. He's still his usual, energetic self in PA3. Purrfect Apawcalypse: Purrgatory Furever!‎

    purrfect apawcalypse love at furst bite purrfect apawcalypse love at furst bite

    They would assume that he passed the f-k out.which he did. Olive would notice that he's still breathing, etc but they wouldn't mention it and walk off. Scout is first seen, laying down on the floor, outside the classroom, covered in blood and it looks like he's been crying. Purrfect Apawcalypse/Purrfect Apawcalypse: Love at Furst Bite His Mom, a Northern Hound and Dad, a Talbot Hound, had separated in a heated argument after his mother caught his father in bed with a cat, who, from what Scout and his big sister saw, was a Maine Coon a few years prior. He doesn't seem to care about his safety and will try to rush into danger to help someone out. He likes the idea of helping others and is known to be a risk-taker.

    Purrfect apawcalypse love at furst bite